Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Hi, everyone! I have not been here for a while! My last update was in November of me talking about my move to San Diego for Uni. In that post, I said I was excited to be back on the blog...I never did. SO SAD. What can I say? School was just in the way because I was confused on how a quarter system works with all the workload (which it was not that bad just fun projects) coming from a semester system. Now I am in my second quarter of the year, which it is almost over...WOW! I cannot believe it! The other day I registered for my third (Spring) quarter courses, which I am very excited about! Anyways, I am here to show you some film projects I have worked on for my Media Sketchbook class. I am new at this so they are not that great, but I am having fun creating these! I will for sure be starting back on my blog this time! I want to do more fashion blogs because I don't really post fashiony stuff on here and I do really like fashion. Also, some beauty related stuff! 
Well, I will see you guys next week with a new post! :) 


P.S. here are the videos so you can watch what I have been working on. Enjoy! Also, comment something and critic it so I can make better videos next time! :) 

It's only Sunday!

Childhood is Beautiful

A call

Healthy vs. Unhealthy

